Communications & Technology
Abdelali Sbaï IdrissiDone
Use of pronouns and treating in inclusion
Laura DucharmeDone
QUIZ: do you know your WFA, AWFA, WFR subjects ?
Welcome and retrospective
Marc GosselinDone
Stress management in emergency situations
Mathieu BarbeauDone
Updated SRI-20h training program and new tools
Marie-Andrée FortinDone
Mot de la fin
Marc GosselinDone
Experiential learning
Philippe-Olivier BelcourtDone
Design Learning Environment
Location: Couvent - Salle de conférence
2024-11-16, 8:30 a.m.
2024-11-16, 10:15 a.m.
(1 hour 45 minutes)
Apprendre et enseigner, c'est communiquer et donner ensemble un sens aux éléments de notre environnement.
L'instructeur doit créer des environnements d'apprentissage efficaces pour les étudiants.
Learning and teaching means communicating and jointly giving meaning to elements in our environment.
The instructor has to engineer effective learning environments for the students.